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Twisted Trees:
There was a white painted pine dog bed in Harrods that was OK, jointed with dowels nothing fancy priced at over £2000. So people will pay, if you can get into the right market. Just not sure Ebay is the right place... will watch with interest though.

Paul Hannaby:
Why shouldn't the bowls be for sale at £3500?

To often Wood-turners sell their product far to cheap at craft fairs,etc,  the cost is not just about the cost of the wood and turning time even at minimum wages its far more.

Time selecting timber, time cutting blank, time packing, time travailing, time cleaning workshop, deprecation on capital equipment, cost of disposables, cost of premises, cost of stall, time spent selling etc , all thing a successful business would take into consideration but some how the majority of turners don't take into consideration.

Some turners moan when the sell via a Gallery who add on 40% 50% or even double the have rent, staff, fittings, etc all to pay they have done their home work profit is what is what keeps them going
Wood turning is fortunate it can be a profession and hobby but selling something just to cover the cost of a blank is letting everybody down, If the hobby was Golf its not just the cost of the ball.

All food for thought and in these times of Lockdown just do a simple actual cost, taking in the variables, post some results !!!

One of my articles in the magazine covered this very point Michael and I recieved emails from people basically disagreeing and in one case telling me I had no right to 'dictate' what people sold their work for. My argument has always been that they are undermining the perceived value of the craft / art if they sell just to recoup costs. Having said that I think that if the seller on ebay was actually asking for that price (which ir appears he isn't based on cost of other items in his shop) it is perhaps ambitious and optimistic LOL. I have however seen artistic woodturning for sale at that sort of price albeit of far better quality and a higher standard of design and artistic merit.,


It is always interesting to see what gets put up on ebay and its sister sites. Along those lines, can we criticise this seller whose work is not particularly good standard but at least he is the actual maker.
PS. Have a look at the inside!

Goiing back to the original item, I have just had an email from ebay, offering me the item at the discounted price of £3000. Has anyone else had a similar offer?


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