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Hinge or Knuckle

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Bryan Milham:
Okay, let’s see if I can make this make sense.

The rotating knuckle does not have anything flexible in it. It does have a 3 part rotating spindle, where the top and bottom can spin independently around a central bar.

The spindle is set into the two wooden parts very (very) centrally at an angle tangential (90°) to the cut line between the two wooden parts.

This means that as the top wooden part is rotated around its central axis the angle it projects at moves from perpendicular to an angle position twice that of the cut line.

I’ve never seen anything like it for sale, so I assume that they are custom made. You might equate something to it by using two short cylinders of wood with a thin bolt through the middle. I’ve done a quick sketch to try to help you see what I mean.

Twisted Trees:
Just had a look at this kitchen roll holder... There is no hinge involved.

Take a straight dowel, cut it on an angle looks about 20° and connect it with a swivel.

Twist the swivel and it straightens or leans depending on the angle of the connection.

So you need a thread insert, a fully threaded bolt with the head cut off, and a rubber washer to give resistance.

Drill small pilot hole being careful to get exact centre on both parts.

Glue the bolt into one end (lets go for the bottom section).

Drill the  top section slightly bigger than the thread insert.

Put the washer on the bolt and screw the thread insert onto the top of it to just slightly compress the washer.

Put glue on the thread insert  and ensuring the 20° slope lines up push the top section tight down and hold until the glue has set.

Turn it quarter turn the angle of the cut will cause it to lean over and lock the kitchen roll on while the washer makes it feel firm.

Turn it the other way and it straightens up.


Again only constructed in my imagination but I think prototyping this would work quite well...


My imagination has just told me that I should drink less vodka before imagining...

In over length square section, cut the top section from the bottom with a 90° cut

Drill 6mm hole in bottom section and 6.5mm in top

Cut both to 20° angle AFTER easily drilling hole

Glue 6mm dowel into bottom section

Glue rubber strip to top section of dowel that makes it about 7mm force that into 6.5mm hole in top section use the tail stock and dowel to hold it while rounding off with light cuts.

And you should have the same effect when finished except it is a friction finish with stuff you have knocking about the house somewhere right now....

The answer to this problem is one I have been using since my father introcuced me to carpentry a LONG time ago. Basically it is how you make an angled joint in a stair rail. The solution has already been put forward in earlier posts - you drill accurate holes in the end of the two pieces, perpendicular to the face. Then glue a dowel in place and there is your angled joint. For a joint you want to take apart, just replace the dowel with threaded rod and a captive nut. Simple.

I must admit I had never thougth of using it for the top of a kitchen roll holder, so, as they say, you are never too old to learn new tricks.

Thanks Tony, for an interesting question. I hope you are successful with your project.

Many, many thanks for your replies.

All are I am sure brilliant, some are beyond me (I just need to study more) & some I feel are within my limited skills.  I will have ago & let you know how I get on & hopefully with a pic or even a video if I can upload one.


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