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need help with this burl


al kuntz:
Need some help on what to do with this other than send it to me comments. Thats how I got it. Any suggetions on how to chuck this would be appreciated. It is about 4" thick on one end and goes down to nothing. Its about 15" x 20". i think it is elm or ash

What are you looking to make with it? Do you want to turn into the natural edge or the other one?  How you mount it will determine how you start.


Al, you are the only personage who knows what you fancy making from it so only the broadest of suggestions are possible from a distance. here comes my three penn'orth….
Start by deciding if you are, in fact, experienced enough to work on such an out of ballance piece where the tool will be hang gliding through air as much as it is cutting timber.
If you are still confident saw away as much unwanted wood as poss.
mount the remainder between centres.
with slow speed and whisper-light cuts organise a means of holding the piece in a chuck in the best orientation
 for your requirements
cut away all timber that doesn't look like your intended project
All the best with it

Twisted Trees:
My first thought would be to glue it to a fairly heavy pre cut and balanced piece  of timber, the shape of the joint face will be determined by what you want to cut on the burl

Hey come on Al. Put us out of our misery and let us know if the various suggestions proved useful and how you got on when you got started on the burr project?


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