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Wood Blanks


As a beginner I am struggling to obtain any sort of wood for turning could anyone help in any direction as where to go for any decent or testing pieces to use, some do seem expensive to spoil when at a learning stage. I have contacted a few establishments however due to covid 19 there may be suppliers that are shut hence no reply. I work as a nurse and love to turn on my day off which I find a relief from the stresses at this given time. 

Where do you live

Regards George

Twisted Trees:

As George said, where you are makes a lot of difference to advice we can offer, If you are just looking for practice wood then buying a lot of expensive blanks is probably not the best idea, but you can turn something out of just about anything and probably learn a lot more due to needing imagination on where to cut etc.

In those days when we used to go out, we had a favourite country pub / restaurant that had a log fire, outside was a large stack of firewood I made a habit of pinching a piece of that wood on every visit, then I would turn something from it and return that to the wood pile on my next visit.

We are on one of those neighbourhood social media sites, often see posts of felled garden trees free to collector on there, will need a bit of drying time, but if you rough cut it that can be reduced quite drastically (clean up your tools after rough cutting wet wood!)

I agree firewood is an excellent source - many people can deliver and much of it is fairly dry.  And even if it is not turning green wood is fun and good practice.  Firewood is mostly hardwood and a lot locally here is ash which is good for turning.  And if you have a garden (or neighbours do) look there - I have done really well from this - holly, laburnum, mulberry, lilac (really!) and more.

Bryan Milham:
This sounds like a glib answer, but FOG wood is great to learn on

FOG = Found on Ground, branch wood trimmings etc

But please, check it for soundness, you do not want anything flying off the lathe.


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