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Heating /Ventilating a Shed workshop

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   Firstly i would like to introduce myself again after a hiatus of about 9 yrs  I have recently set up a shed/ workshop on the south coast of UK  after living in Canada for some years  I would greatly appreciate  any suggestions as to how to heat / ventilate  this space to avoid condensation and corrosion  on my lathes and tools My wo lathes are a General 260 ( Canada )  and a Graduate short bed  both VFD  The shed is a wood frame structure, moisture membrane ,   25mm air space and shiplap. Inside the walls have a poly vapour barrier on the frame and 15mm acoustic plasterbard The floor area is 15sq /m  Any advice however obvious it may seem would be greatly appreciated

During the damp / cold months I run a small greenhouse tube heater combined with a dehumidifier, todate no problems.

I have a solid timber (44mm) shed with roof and floor insulation and don’t use any ventilation. I have a fan heater that gets used as required in the winter. In summer it can get too hot to work in there some days. I don’t seem to have any problems with condensation.

I stopped using a fan heater as it blew the dust every where.

I use a oil filled electric radiator, which is set on a minimal setting during winter to prevent anything from freezing (it keeps the shop at around 5 degrees Celsius) and a small fan heater to get the temperature up quickly if I need to. If your fan heater is blowing the dust everywhere then you have too much dust in your workshop (and that is a health hazard in itself).


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