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Abrasive top up time

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Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: bodrighywood on May 06, 2020, 11:25:52 AM ---Blimey, you guys must be loaded. Can't believe how much that stuff costs.


--- End quote ---

10m roll will last me a year on 120, 2 years on 180 / 240, and the 400 is at least 5 years old, and only used about half a roll.  So big outlay at refresh time but not to expensive over time. 

I did a 25 piece production run on Monday, had run out of 120 grit about 6 months ago and bought cheep cloth backed replacement.

Using 50mm lengths of 75mm roll I killed 3 pieces of the cheep 120 grit, but was still using the same piece of 180 and 240, I know it isn't a fair comparison 120 taking out toolmarks while the other 2 are only taking out the 120 / 180 scratches, but sometimes cheep is the most expensive way of getting there.

I agree that cheap stuff isn't worth it but couldn't see any rolls of abrasive on that site only precut discs and sections? I get mine, rhyno grit,  from Richard Findley. Cut my own discs etc. 


Twisted Trees:
Direct link:-

I bought 10m rolls for £19.99  - 10% discount I got from the Flaming Turner youtube livestream.

That is cheaper, I admit. I pay 22.50 for a 10m roll.


Bryan Milham:
Have you looked in the AWGB Website Corporate Members Links, several companies offer abrasives of all sorts.
They offer discounts for us, nice to support them as well


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