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Resin casting

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I know that this is going to be a contentious issue for some but does anyone else share my negative views on casting timber in plastic ( resin ). There has been a concerted effort by most people to reduce or even eliminate the use of single use plastics yet some are unthinkingly adding to the problem by casting what would normally be regarded as off-cuts or waste material in resin. While I agree that the results can be attractive I still feel that from an ecological standpoint that this practice is just adding to our problems and we should seriously consider the consequences.
My tin hat is firmly in place so let me have your views.

Wood spinner:
Arnt we doing the same with allowing timber to be felled ?

Creating loads of waist wood shavings / dust .
/ used up sandpaper / empty tins and plastic polish bottles
The list could go on and on

I do quite like some resin projects , they do look atractive and some would not be able to be turned without the resin support

Wood shavings and wood dust can be used for animals, mulch, mixed in with compost etc as it is biodegradable. The tins and abrasive paper can all be recu=yc;ed as well. Plastic polish bottles? Can't say I have those personally. Resin can be made from natural p[roducs but I think most that we use is made from polymers, fancy word for plastic. To be honest I agree with Alan up to a ;point but where do you draw the line? Sadly if we removed all plastc form our society at the moment it would collapse we have become so dependent on it in one form or apother.


Twisted Trees:
It sells well so I am told, I choose not to turn plastic because I don't like the mess or the smell of it, there are also some timbers I won't turn because I don't like the smell. But in the grand scheme of things I don't expect turners have much of an impact on global plastic waste so it is a matter of personal choice.

what about this ?


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