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That's it I have had enough

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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I did something similar in my workshop a few years ago, although mine was to avoid heating unused parts of the workshop in a really cold spell and concentrate he heat to where I was working. To be honest it lasted no more than a couple of week and then I got fed up with it.

I've got a similar setup in my shop, some old curtains running just around the lathe. I use it mostly when I do roughing out of green wood or when turning dry oak, as otherwise I have to clean the entire shop. Works perfectly fine for me.

I just clean the worst up each evening and have a blitz every now and then or the evening before if I have a student coming. Think I would get really frustrated with the curtains there as I have to cross the shop to get different tools, polish, abrasive etc all the time.,


The curtains only come out if needed, most of the time they are folded back to the walls of the workshop and don't get in the way at all. Plus: when turning green wood, the water splashes everywhere, and I really don't want that. It's enough that I have to clean the entire lathe after a green turning session. I already have water marks all over the ceiling above the lathe, that's enough, thank you.

Wood spinner:
No PM's yet so it looks like the colours remain  ;D


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