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Preventing worm attack

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Les Symonds:
What methods do you use to prevent worm attack in your timber store? The only significant method that I use is to douse green timber with a borax solution  before putting it into stick, so I'm interested in what anyone else has tried.

Tim Pettigrew:
Hi Les
Yes I use Borax which has certainly worked for me. The only problem I have had with that is it's incompatibility with PVA used to coat end grain and green turnings.  I now use EndSeal instead which is incidentally much more effective than using PVA or paint and is fine with Borax.
Hope this is helpful.

If by orevent you mean kill any in a piece of wood there are proprietary potions you can use. They work for me but I give several coats to make sure. Alternatively deepfreeze fpr a few days or microwave if the piece ios smll enough. Most of the various types of isect prefer damp wood so  keeping your wood as dry as possible helps to stop it spreading as well.


Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: bodrighywood on May 30, 2020, 08:46:03 AM ---If by orevent you mean kill any in a piece of wood there are proprietary potions you can use. They work for me but I give several coats to make sure. Alternatively deepfreeze fpr a few days or microwave if the piece ios smll enough. Most of the various types of isect prefer damp wood so  keeping your wood as dry as possible helps to stop it spreading as well.


--- End quote ---
....I'm thinking more along the lines of preventing the little critters getting into my timber stock in the slab and in the log!

If you haven't gpt any kind of infestation and keep the wood in the dry you should be OK. Avoid mixing dry wood with amny that has mould, rot etc as the soft damp wood attracts the beetles in the first place.



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