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New dry-wood store


Les Symonds:
Following-on from my previous post about preventing woodworm attack.....I felt the need to build a dry-wood store as close as possible to my workshop door. I have one outdoor and a couple of indoor stores for green timber, so it made sense to have somewhere to move that timber to when it had dried/seasoned.
Last year I had built a canopy alongside my workshop; just a roof and corner posts, so I paneled off most of the walls and fitted a rack to take end-stacked dry slabs, a load of big knobbly bits and dry branchwood (yew and laburnum). This will make life much easier when I'm teaching, as it's mostly the slabs and branchwood that get used a few times each week, so having it this close to the workshop is great....I might even allow students to choose their own timber.


Really envy your setupLes. Thpough I have a reasonable sized workshop I am limited in what alterations etc I can do to it or I would happily have something like your wood store instead of loads of shelves cluttered up.


Bryan Milham:
Les, for most people I'd suggest that was a couple of lifetimes worth of timber, but for you, maybe a couple of years worth!

Twisted Trees:
Spot on Les, I see you built it exactly one third the size you need which is the proper way  :)


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