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Clubs restarting?

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Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: David Buskell on April 15, 2021, 04:42:33 PM ---As Paul says, there are many things to consider if you wish to go  down the Company limited by Guarantee route. Choosing the initial members and Directors being one of them.

You would have to prepare accounts and file them at Companies House. This means an annual expense. Against that, the individual members of your club are not exposed to unlimited liability as they are now.

Creating the company is not a major expense, but you would have to have a new constitution. Check out West Midlands Woodturners who have already gone down the Ltd by Guarantee route.

BTW Paul should be able to help  any club considering this as on 9th July 2012, the AWGB was registered as a Company limited by Guarantee.The constitution run to 55 pages so it is not a quick read!

--- End quote ---

On correction to the above - the members aren't exposed to any liability, the club committee members are. Perhaps as they are the ones who should be managing the club and its financial affairs, that's the way it should be!

Second correction - I'm no expert on this so better you ask our Treasurer!

David Buskell:
Thanks for pointing that mistake about liability. It does seem the committee members are primarily liable.

There's a useful summary about unincorporated associations here:

John D Smith:

Thank you Paul & David this all makes very interesting reading I wonder how many Cubs/Members are aware of this maybe a bulletin could be put in the next issue of Revolutions and the next news email.

                         Regards John

David Buskell:
I have to confess that Cheam looked at switching to the Ltd status but our committee dithered and the moment got lost in the COVID lockdowns. I guess the idea may be revived by the new committee, when we can have an AGM.

I’ve just been made aware of this as another possible option?


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