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Clubs restarting?

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Have AWGB prepared a Covid-19 specific risk assessment template for clubs?

If not are there any others available to download from the internet that may be suitable.


--- Quote from: Bill21 on July 10, 2021, 06:31:17 PM ---Have AWGB prepared a Covid-19 specific risk assessment template for clubs?

If not are there any others available to download from the internet that may be suitable.

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The problem for most clubs is we use somebody else's premises so have to also include their Risk Assessments in ours.

So it’s just a duplicate of the venues?

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on July 11, 2021, 06:37:12 PM ---So it’s just a duplicate of the venues?

--- End quote ---
Absolutely not! The venue does not assess the details of your event. Their RA is simply a starting point. There are no short cuts to Risk Assessing something as important as this!

The venues risk assess,ment is going to be at best a general one. If your venue is used for say cub or scout meetings or WI meetings the risks are not going to be the same.



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