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Clubs restarting?

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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I think it is very important that we take the risk assessments seriously. The government are relying on members of the public being sensible but just the actions Sunday evening caused by a football match shows that an awful lot of people are not capable of doing the right thing or behaving in the right way so it is down to organisers to act as shepherds.

The latest advice from my club is that members take a lateral flow test before attendance. This seems like a reasonable approach.

Tim Pettigrew:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on December 11, 2021, 04:06:19 PM ---The latest advice from my club is that members take a lateral flow test before attendance. This seems like a reasonable approach.

--- End quote ---
That's certainly what we have asked our members to consider doing for our Christmas social on Tuesday. Members have also been asked to bring their own refreshments and masks are mandatory except for those when leading or supervising activities.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
We held our Christmas meeting last week, probably one of the best meetings we have ever had. But the hall doors were left open as were the windows. Members were asked to wear masks as were the visitors that we had. We did supply biscuits but again to reduce the risks of people "touching" a biscuit other than the ones they were going to eat themselves,we provided individually wrapped biscuits. The cups that the hall supplied were washed up before the meeting, thereby reducing the risk from previous use.
We "secured" an area of the hall where the microphones were and that was where the speakers could remove masks to speak and then replace them once finished. I have to say all of the precautions we put in place appeared to work very well and club members and the guests/public alike all comformed to what they were asked to do without complaint.
I think the bottom line is if you want your club to start meeting again put the effort in to the risk assessment, don't try and do it on your own get the opinion of other committee members and other club members, this stuff affects us all. Help the venue manager by providing what information you can about your club's requirements as that could influence his/her hall risk assessment which could be to your advantage.
The point about taking a LFT before attending is a good one, but it is only of value if the test has been carried out correctly. (basically if you didn't gag you didn't do it right) So do not rely  on that.

I haven’t yet done a lateral flow test but I was under the impression that if it’s not carried out correctly it indicates a “void” result?


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