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Clubs restarting?

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Paul Hannaby:
The AWGB are working on setting up a Zoom meeting for club officers to assist with / discuss use of online meetings / demos etc.

An email will be going out to all clubs shortly...

Since Corvid a lot more of "Older Members " have become more aware of Zoom, Microsoft Team , Whats app, Facebook, Instagram etc as it has been an opportunity to keep in touch with family, friends but also time in lockdown  was an opportunity to learn . Members who we thought were not computer savvy, have now become learnt how easy it can be . Ask your members would they like to try a zoom session its easy to set up  and a 45min is free. The problem my guess at meeting will be social distancing as a village hall that could take 30/40 people will now only be able to take 10/15 .

Whatever Boris or the committee decides I have my doubts that I will be attending club meetings until, perhaps, next year. As much as I miss going I just don't feel it is worth risking bringing unwanted stowaways home with me.
I've been making stuff for the local hospital staff and helping/guiding/teaching a relative newbie via email through the lockdown...... And I'm 'Reet Chuffed' with his progress, by the way!!!
There are woodyturning challenges out there but perhaps new ways of thinking are required, at least until a vaccine becomes available.

Dave Wraight:
We have been existing with newsletters, facebook(limited numbers) and one zoom meeting of committee. Planning more zoom meetings up to September including AGM. Hopefully booking a professional turner for an online demo as well. Like others we are of the opinion that many members including at least half of current committee will not wish to hold a physical meeting because the space we have access to is too small and under 2m ruling, we would get a maximum of 10 members and then no room to move around!!

We are aiming to start online with email and live demos.  The initial plan is to phone all members (split between cttee!) to establish how many are happy with Zoom and/or have access to suitable equipment.  Others' experience here would help.  Then possibly a (new) gallery page on the club website.  We hope to restart actual meetings in September, but this will depend upon how things are going and opening of rooms etc.


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