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Clubs restarting?

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--- Quote from: Bill21 on March 26, 2021, 11:17:04 AM ---
--- Quote from: Wooddust on March 25, 2021, 10:40:30 PM ---To be honest most disclaimers are not worth the paper they are written on. It just makes some people have a warm fuzzy feeling, that they have done something.

An example of what I mean is all tickets for motorsport events say  MOTOR RACING IS DANGEROUS AND SPECTATORS ATTENDING THIS TRACK DO SO ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. legally it means nothing.

--- End quote ---

Good to know. I note you say “most” though, so which in your legal opinion may be of help to us?

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I am not a lawyer but have done legal courses for work.  Didn't mean the company I worked for didn't put up notices saying "you are present here entirely at your own risk etc" just that we were aware It didn't really mean anything.

As has already been pointed out the only way you would really know is if it went to court. Same with any contract really.

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: John D Smith on March 25, 2021, 06:53:09 PM ---
 I have today received an email from Zurich Insurance reminding our Club should pay their insurance buy 1st April to ensure cover will continue in a posting by the AWGB Chairman on this thread he said there were questions they were waiting to be answered by Zurich we need some clarity on this as soon as possible.
                                               Regards John

--- End quote ---

The questions I referred to are more of a list of frequently asked questions to assist clubs in the future. They don't relate to the specifics of the current renewal but I understand the statement in the policy on cover of transmissible viruses is clear and unambiguous.

Anyone have any updates on the topic?

We have paid ours and I have read the policy, it is clear that Zurich will not accept claims re garding COVID beleived to be a reuslt of going to a club meeting.

On the restart we have problems of or own as the venue we used is no longer available and none of the village hall round here will return calls as they are closed!


John D Smith:

Hi Ron Sorry to hear that I am sure you will find somewhere the problem how near to your old Hall Good luck

                                      Regards John


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