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Pyro plus liming


Does anyone know what effect one gets if a pyroed surface design is then finished with 'liming' wax?  I assume since the pryoed lines are slightly depressed they could fill with the white wax.  So this could be interesting for a darker wood.

Of course the obvious answer is to try it but my daughter who does the pyro is away (with kit) for obvious reasons so I wondered if anyone has experience!

Paul Hannaby:
Yes, been there, done that! As you suggest, the wax is deposited in any voids below surface level.

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on June 08, 2020, 11:28:42 PM ---Yes, been there, done that! As you suggest, the wax is deposited in any voids below surface level.

--- End quote ---
If you have buffing wheels and if you keep one for textured work, then try buffing at a moderately low speed, say 600 to 700 rpm, to see the effect of removing the bulk of the wax and leaving grey's tricky, especially if the pyro work has been done delicately, as thee won't be much texture for the lime wax to creep into.


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