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Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: The Bowler Hatted Turner on June 16, 2020, 08:12:46 AM ---Ok now we have decided we can copy I need to now who makes the most money 'cos I am going to copy you! ;D ;D ;D

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Hmm want to make money? think you are in the wrong trade... My dad was wise, he told me never make anything, if your hands are busy you have no time to earn money.

That's left me off the hook then. Any turners we know with rolls royces?

 Have a couple of copies that get me from  A to B 4 wheels air conditioning with the windows opened  Named it Rolls Canhardley  the old ones are the best .

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Of course there is the other end of the spectrum that has not been mentioned. There is a particular  series of objects, they are not wood that stem from the middle ages (or earlier) that I am trying to copy. I know the techniques that were originally used and the materials. I wish to use different(modern) materials and a slightly different technique, but the end result should be similar.......However, try as I might I cannot get it right and until I do, and until my results look as good as the originals I cannot show them off.(or wish too)But it is very frustrating.  So although it will be unashamedly a copy of style to achieve the results I want (eventually) and could I suppose be classified as plageurism, if the original craftsman has been dead for over a thousand years does that count?

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: The Bowler Hatted Turner on June 17, 2020, 11:22:34 AM --- if the original craftsman has been dead for over a thousand years does that count?

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Similar to what I am cutting at the moment, the original is over 3000 years old, no idea if it counts or not. IF the original craftsman takes me to court I will admit I stole the design idea, though obviously like yourself the materials and method I have had to work out for myself, so I hope the judge will take that into consideration :).

I hope not as many of the pieces I make are based on chinese and japanese ceramics of varying shapes. I Think the phrase 'in the style of' covers those situations. Be iterested in what you are trying to emjulate John (not to copy you understand) or is it a secret.



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