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In the past I wanted to do three fish on a rim of a bowl this was before I saw Pete's and mo's work but never did get around to doing so. If I was to do it now would that be classed as Plagiarism or not?. I would have to admit that it would not have been so well presented.
The biggest thing is people would automatically think that I did a copy.

Not really as you had the idea on your own but if it were me I would make mention of it. Sometimes Mo or I get an idea from the work of someone else and mention it to them beofre going ahead. The work Mo does for exampe was originally an idea from loking at Cynthia Gibsons work and we checked with her before starting.Now it looks very different but initially the idea was instigated by her work.


John Plater:
"HAs anyone any actually experiance of any one being convicted of plagiarism in the turning community? Be if professional or hobby, always debated as a hot topic but I certainly unable to find any cases, and the cost of a private prosecution would surely out weigh any recompence." quote from Lazarus.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that Tobias Kaye successfully defended the design of his sounding bowls.
Copying or borrowing an idea is never the issue, passing the idea off as one's own for intellectual or monetary gain is. There is help "out there" through organisations like ACID.
ATB John


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