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Turning a bread board

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   I would  suggest that trying to put the glue block on an oiled surface may make for a very weak bond and consequently possible  facial rearrangement. I don't know of adhesives that work well with oiled material . a dovetail recess vacuum chuck or some form of cole jaws  as others have said would be safer 

As Twisted trees suggested get another block and attach it with hot melt glue making sure you get a good bond. Then turn a holding point on this block remove from the lathe and remount on the new block turn the face and remove the original block. Once finished you can then apply a finish of your choice to remove the second block gently heat the block to release the hot melt glue(This is best done before applying any finish) clean up of the glue should be easy and leave no marks.

That's a very good point, don't want to go there
My wife is happy for there to be a normal mortise dovetail in the base
My other thought is for the side I have finished to be the base, not seal or
Oil it, fit a glue chuck to it to finish other side as the top, that can be sealed and oil ed
Then deal with the base oiling and sealing by hand

I have just seen the last post which I think says the same as above

Paul Hannaby:
When I make chopping boards, I just turn and sand the first face and leave the edge untouched. Then when I reverse it to turn the second side I also turn the edge so no issues with centering!


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