General Category > General Discussion

Feeling good.

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Mo and I were asked to take a sample of our work down to a Guild gallery in Wells for appraisal with the possibility of it being sold there. We put together a cross section of 25 pieces so they could see the variety of work ranging from Mo's latest work to my textured work and some older pieces that were a bit diiferent to the norm. They accepted the lot. Wow. The guild is apparently the oldest craft guild in the country and to say we are chuffed is putting it mildly. Lovely feeling when your work kis appreciated by other artists / crafters.


Well done. Your collaborative work is of a very high standard, IMHO. i hope you celebrate with a glass of something special :)

John D Smith:

  Well done Mo & Pete it is nothing more than you deserve your work is exceptional

                                              Regards John

Les Symonds:
Well, how amazing is that, but then, on the other hand, it's completely understandable.

Well done you two; great to read that you're selling to a wider audience.


The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Well done to the pair of you.In this time of uncertainty it is nice to hear.


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