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Noob needs help!

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Morning fellas,

Once again, you have shared very valuable information with me – I am indebted. I think I will continue to watch videos and see if I can mimic instances from those videos on my lathe and work. I will go back over the uses for the tools – thank you for the warnings about the roughing gouge, guys.

Wood spinner – that is a very kind offer but I couldn't possibly have it off you for nothing: That's too generous. I will DM you.

As some kind of reciprocation: my area of expertise is graphic design. I am the Creative Director for a media/recruitment/events/agency company. A little off topic but if you ever need advice from that area, please feel free to DM me!


Wood spinner:
Matt is from Loughborough,

Will sort one out today for you  :)

Very, very generous – thank you. I've sent a message.

John Plater:
Quote, "I think I will continue to watch videos and see if I can mimic instances from those videos on my lathe and work. "
Videos produced by reputable professional woodturners are a great way to learn. be very wary of online materials though. There is a lot of poor practice being shown and the problem comes in deciding what is good and what is not so good. Classic chicken and egg. The woodturner needs a certain amount of experience to know what is good safe practice and what isn't. in order to gain that experience .......
ATB John


--- Quote from: Wood spinner on July 09, 2020, 11:28:11 AM ---Hi , Send me a PM ( Personal message ) with your name and address and I will post you a 3/8 bowl gouge FOC


--- End quote ---

Puts your faith back in your fellow humans seeing this.  ;D ;D


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