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General Advice

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By the way, the current chuck is as the attached photo. I imagine, if/when I could remove it, I could screw work to it through the four holes in the plate?


May be of assistance

I have been attempting to remove the screw chuck, so far without success, can anyone help? I assume the thread is a left hand one and that to unscrew it would be clockwise? I have locked the spindle, inside the headstock, with a spanner and used a bar in the hole on the chuck but it doesn't seem to want to move! Should I be loosening anything else before trying again or is it just a case of 'use a bigger hammer'? Appreciate any help available.

The thread on the main spindle is by necessity a right hand one, otherwise anything you put onto it is in danger of coming off at speed. So you need to lock the spindle, make sure the hole is pointing up, put your tommy bar into the hole and pull towards you. If it doesn't want to move, you might have to use some WD40 and a mallet.

Thanks very much, chuck now removed! It does help to know which way the thread is!


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