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Does anyone use Inktense pencils on wood if so do you find that it is better to apply staright onto the bare wood or do you use an acrylic sealer first.

David Buskell:
There's an artist called Carol Hall based in Downington, Pennsylvania who uses Inktense on wood. I saw her demo in Raleigh NC last year. She has some interesting info on the use of colored pencils, especially Inktense that might be helpful to you. her website is and I have attached a pic of her work.
I have some Inktense pencils available if you need them.

Mo has used them on some of her work. She still prefers to use the inks with brushes though for fine detail. She uses all her media straight onto bare wood. I do sand it to a shine thoughh and she finds that woods su ch as oak, ash etc tend to b;eed whatever she uses.


Thank you David and Pete.

I will look at her website David thank you for the link.

Pete, I follow Mo and yourself and am amazed at her artistic skills on decorating what you turn. It would have been nice to meet you when you were booked at our club but the virus put an end to that.

I will be experimenting before using them in anger and can understand that wood with an open grain would not be suitable the same for pyrography.

Thank you. Hopefully get the chance to meet up next year. The three main woods I use for Mo are sycampore, maple and lime. Cherry is OK as a wood but can be coloured which for her type of work is not best.



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