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Clubs opening up risk assessment

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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Without wishing to get into a conversation on the rights or wrongs of clubs opening up again I wonder if any clubs have produced a risk assessment for when they do open up again? I am in the middle of producing one for my club and would like to know what others are including in their's. For instance, will you allow the making of tea and coffee?Will you sanitise the lathe handles before and after the demonstrator?What about the chairs? What will your risk assessment be based on? ( I will base mine on the guidelines for opening cinemas again.) If you do not wish to post them publicly then please do PM me.

Unfortunately I don't think we can do any planning about reopening at the moment at this time as the rules keep changing, for example only today the Welsh government announced only up to 30 people can meet out doors, our church hall venue says their insurers have told them not to reconsider opening till at least January ,the 2 meter rule would reduce the hall capacity from 40 to 15, Unclear about the use of masks, but I think more importantly would members want to visit.
I do think it would be beneficial to all clubs as to what the AWGB insurance has to say baring in mind that we are responsible for H & S hence the need for risk assessment, but saying that the venue will have its own risk assessment .

Dave Wraight:
The hall that we use has issued such a long list of guidelines that I personally would not wish to put club members at risk(nor myself) plus the fact that we would be so restricted on numbers. We will continue to ZOOM -just wish more members would join in - unfortunately it seems that some members only wish to meet 'in the flesh'. Yes I understand the benefits of this but in the current situation we have to move on and move forward and learn from our online experiences.

The problem I am having is getting guidelines from the hall we use. Only then can I look at producing our own risk assessments.

This may be of help if you’ve not already seen it.

I think asking members to bring their own refreshments would be safer. If hot drinks were provided I would be far happier using my own cup.


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