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Clubs opening up risk assessment

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Have any of you seen a wood turning club specific risk assessment yet?

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
As far as my local club is concerned we will not be allowed back in until the hall owners give us permisssion, and so that is when we will carryout our RA as so much could change between now and then(whenever that is).

We heard on Friday that our Community Education Centre where Crow Valley Woodturners meet will not be open until January at the earliest. If the situation changes they will let us know.  Julian

Tim Pettigrew:
Our Community Centre is open and has a Covid use risk assessment policy, but our members have decided to defer resumption until next year.  In the meantime we are organising Zoom meetings...


John D Smith:
 Hi Everyone,
                   I have received a email from Zurich Insurance This is the Company who covers the AWGB clubs they have a service which is FREE it is called Local Community Advisory Service (LCAS)  this is Risk Management Simple so who ever is your club contact they should have received this information and you can download the guide in the form of pdf this maybe helpful.

                                                  Regards John


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