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How do you make 'spiral' cut grooves in a vessel?

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 :)I want to make a bowl or similar vessel with a number of slight spiral cuts equally spaced around the vessel surface. I have seen how this can be done with a Lignotech lathe and system. Does anyone have a technique or jig or website link to enable me to do this using a standard lathe? I can make jigs for use on the lathe but cannot undertake much metal fabrication. I am new to AWGB and this forum and see this as a great asset to lonely woodturner like myself with no really local club and other woodturners to rub shoulders with.

Bryan Milham:

Hughie, one of our members is very good at this, see here from the gallery,462.0.html. From your request I'm assuming you don't want anything quite so dramatic. But the basics are the same, just the depth of cut and how you work the edges.

Somewhere on the web I've seen him post a 'How to'. I'll have a poke around and see if I can fins it for you.

Bryan Milham:
Found it - quicker than I thought;

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info. This looks just what I wanted. I had thought of trying a router set up, but linking router travel to lathe rotation seemed complicated. I knew these forums were what we all need to get the right techniques. Thanks again. I'll post some pictures at some point, when I've finished the segmented bowls I;m making at the moment.

John D Smith:
Hello Malcy,Welcome to the Forum, it didn't take long for you to get some help,that just shows how useful and helpful fellow Woodturners can be I look forward to reading your postings and seeing your photographs.Regards John


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