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Wood i.d.

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Gav Eades:
Does anyone know what this wood is? Also, if I'm cutting blanks to dry is pva ok for the end grain?

almost certainly a maple species but i've never seen one with bark like that. any other pics?

PVA is fine for sealing logs, just don't dilute it.

Could it be  Liquidambar   (sweet gum)   a largest conical shaped tree often mistaken for Maple    The leaves will be alternately  positioned on the branch whereas the Maple will be opposite.  Also has corky Bark        Just a thought,     whatever it is hope it turns well           

Gav Eades:
Cheers guys. I'll put more pics on tomorrow. My neighbour said japanese maple but he says a lot of things. It's very heavy wood

of course the japanese ones... the bark really threw me there...

now you just have to find one with a matching leaf...

there are lots of Acre species that are called Japanese maple so identifying the exact species may not be possible.

any spare? wouldn't mind a foot of it.


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