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The best finish for Teak

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I'd stick with carnauba or microcrystalline personally. Not sure lacquers etc would stick for long on an oily wood.


Bryan Milham:
Thank you Pete. I think you are right.

Apparently you can use shellac on oily woods so applying shellac sanding sealer should give a good finish. Microcrystalline Wax on top of that if you want a bit more shine.

Bryan Milham:
Thank you Bill. I have some eazy-shine somewhere, maybe I'll turn a piece of scrap to try this on.

Martin Lawrence:


You can soak the wood in cellulose thinners to draw out a lot of the oil, I have done it with Olive and Lignum and worked well, sealin finally witih Wax in my case Renaissance wax.

Cheers Martin.


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