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Chuck choice

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I have a versa chuck which I have fitted this set of Axminster jaws to They are great jaws and give a good range in the smaller sizes. So if you go for an Axminster chuck this set is worth adding to your arsenal


--- Quote from: BrianH on November 21, 2020, 03:14:21 PM ---The chuck I would suggest you avoid like the plague (now there's an old saying that seems suddenly outdated!) is the Nova, which has a left handed scroll which means you undo to tighten up. If you think that wording is confusing just try using one!!!

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I never understood the reasoning behind this as as far as I’m aware every other type of chuck both metal working and wood working tightens the “right” way?

Mark Hancock:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on November 21, 2020, 11:19:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: BrianH on November 21, 2020, 03:14:21 PM ---The chuck I would suggest you avoid like the plague (now there's an old saying that seems suddenly outdated!) is the Nova, which has a left handed scroll which means you undo to tighten up. If you think that wording is confusing just try using one!!!

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I never understood the reasoning behind this as as far as I’m aware every other type of chuck both metal working and wood working tightens the “right” way?

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I believe the original marketing for the chuck mentioned something along the lines that with the direction of rotation on the lathe it ensured the chuck didn't untighten...never believed it myself  ;D

Mark Hancock:
Whilst I agree with the recommendations for Axminster chucks (my personal favorite) it may not be the best option if there is the possibility of upgrading the lathe at a future date.

All new Axminster chucks are direct threaded so there is no facility to change their thread and so any lathe upgrade would more than likely incur the additional cost of a new chuck body. In these circumstances I generally recommend a Versa chuck or a Record SC4; Patriot and Nova chucks have fewer insert options - notably M33 is not available.



--- Quote from: Mark Hancock on November 23, 2020, 11:18:09 AM ---Whilst I agree with the recommendations for Axminster chucks (my personal favorite) it may not be the best option if there is the possibility of upgrading the lathe at a future date.

All new Axminster chucks are direct threaded so there is no facility to change their thread and so any lathe upgrade would more than likely incur the additional cost of a new chuck body. In these circumstances I generally recommend a Versa chuck or a Record SC4; Patriot and Nova chucks have fewer insert options - notably M33 is not available.


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That is the reason I went down the Versa chuck route. I know many will say now that supply is a problem since the Toolpost stopped trading that is one reason I brought the 33mm adapter to at least allow me to use it when I upgrade from my present lathe. Luckily another supplier has stepped up and taken it on


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