General Category > General Discussion

best sphere jigs?

<< < (2/5) > >>

The handle on that is filthy Martin!  ;D

just how well do those things off Ebay work then?????

to my eyes they are rubbish but then i've never used one.

do they actually work well?

Martin i have a 1" post so can't use that one thanks.

Martin Lawrence:

  I bought it for a commission and it did the job well as with all of these jogs small cuts is the way to go. I added the price of the jog into my quote so winner winner chicken dinner.

ps It took ages to add the dust to prove I had used it.

Cheers Martin.

I use mine a lot when doing resin hybrid spheres, rough out by eye then finish with the jig - wouldnt be without it - fast and repeatable.

whom's is it???


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