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That's it I'm done

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John D Smith:

 Hi everyone,
                    I am Secretary Burcot Woodturners Today I received a package with every member of our club Membership Card for 2021 so I would think all Club Secretary's have them I will give Cards out as Members pay their annual Fees the problem of course will be collecting these as we have no meetings planned this year and maybe not for a couple of  Months into 2021.

                                            Regards John (Stay Safe)

Paul Hannaby:
The AWGB has extended the grace period for renewals until the end of May 2021 to allow for delays in clubs being able to process renewals.

John Peachey:

--- Quote from: Wood spinner on December 04, 2020, 02:49:58 PM ---Today my nice new 2021 membership card arrived thanks to John the new membership Sec  :)

--- End quote ---

Not that new. I've been doing it a lifetime now, sorry year. ;)

Still it's fun reading the many notes and comments I get.

Must go and have a lie down, now that todays, batch has been posted.



--- Quote from: John Peachey on December 07, 2020, 05:30:00 PM ---
--- Quote from: Wood spinner on December 04, 2020, 02:49:58 PM ---Today my nice new 2021 membership card arrived thanks to John the new membership Sec  :)

--- End quote ---

Not that new. I've been doing it a lifetime now, sorry year. ;)

Still it's fun reading the many notes and comments I get.

Must go and have a lie down, now that todays, batch has been posted.


--- End quote ---
Well done John, many members forget how much work is done behind the scenes. I have most of the clubs subs now and will send them on during this week.
Lets hope they can soon see something which goes on before the scenes!

John Peachey:


Lets hope they can soon see something which goes on before the scenes!

Hear, Hear to that Ron.
I need my regular fix at my local club.


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