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Tim Pettigrew:
These logs were harvested whilst helping to clear the grounds of a country house.  I think they are Robinia (False Acacia, Black Locust) but would be most grateful for confirmation or otherwise.

Update 1st December, better cross-section photograph added


John D Smith:

 Hi Tim,
            I would also think it is Robinia I have had quite a bit of this off a friend I found it turned very nice and had some very nice grain features and it didn't seem to split while stored.
                                                               Regards John

Tim Pettigrew:

--- Quote from: John D Smith on November 30, 2020, 12:54:32 PM ---
 Hi Tim,
            I would also think it is Robinia I have had quite a bit of this off a friend I found it turned very nice and had some very nice grain features and it didn't seem to split while stored.
                                                               Regards John

--- End quote ---

Many thanks John - sounds promising  :)

John D Smith:

 Hi Tim,
           If you have quite a large amount  I would seal the ends. Regards John

Tim Pettigrew:
Thanks John. Yes I do that routinely using EndSeal which I have found to be a very effective treatment for that


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