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Info requested

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Just out of interest Pete was is NOQ.

I can understand your concerns did they give an address and landline phone number of the company or just a name. This would also help towards varifying them

Not sure what NOQ is?  There was a link to a physical shop but beyond that no actual contact info hence my query. Not as bad as that nigerian prince who has several million pound to share with me LOL.  Just so airy fairy it makes me wonder.



--- Quote from: bodrighywood on December 14, 2020, 02:15:13 PM ---Not sure what NOQ is?  There was a link to a physical shop but beyond that no actual contact info hence my query. Not as bad as that nigerian prince who has several million pound to share with me LOL.  Just so airy fairy it makes me wonder.


--- End quote ---

I am still waiting for the Million pond share out ;D ;D ;D


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