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Anyone on here like me ?

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Mark Hancock:
I own 2 carbide tools. Both are Munros; one being the latest version of the Munro hollower (I think called the Wundercut?) which I don't like particularly and the other a prototype articulated carbide hollower. The latter is great when doing hollow forms with an opening less than 1/2 inch simple because as previously mentioned they scrape rather than cut so don't produces shavings but dust which is easier to clear out with a small opening. For any other use I have no time for them :)

John D Smith:

 I also own the same as Mark Hancock which is the Roly Munro hollowing large and small sets I first used one of these when I went on a AWGB Training session which I must say was great I then ordered these when I had another go with Mark's when he was demonstrating at Yandies show I have found these very good over the years.

                                                    Regards John 

Some Carbide tools don’t just scrape, in the same way that scrapers don’t just produce dust.  ::)

Bryan Milham:
Like Mark, only hollowers, but I do also own the Simon Hope rig with a 8mm carbide ring cutter.

Wood spinner:
Well it looks like I am not alone , I have never found a turning job I could not do with standard tool / traditional tools  :)


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