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Twisted Trees:
Not worth the effort, you will spend time and effort and not be happy with what they make. Only good for making shavings or firewood.

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: BrianH on December 09, 2020, 11:16:17 PM ---divide one of your discs into segments with the pithe at the point then make a small natural edge bowl from each segment... in the spirit of the late Bert Marsh. Ive tried no end of times to emulate his work but no way can I find the elegance of line that he seemed to get every time.

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I've done this before with logs that were cut too thin for anything else but they were a bit more than the 4" we're talking about here.

Have you thought of doing decorative work instead with them? Biggest problem is likely to be them splitting frpo  the edge toward the centre but they can still be used to make decorative pieces.


Bryan Milham:
If you do anything with them, do it fast. They will already have started to crack and check.

Turn them quick, turn them thin to a finished thickness and be prepared for them to warp.

Tim Pettigrew:

--- Quote from: tinyjames on December 09, 2020, 07:22:29 PM ---I have been given some wood logs but they are all cut with a 12" diameter and only about 4" tall what can I use these for or are they all cut the wrong way and just fire wood

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What's the wood James? This is important to know as some woods warp more than others.  If the wood is Ash, which from the photos might be a possibility, then the warping during seasoning is not as intense as in for example Beech and Oak.  But as has already been said you need to act fast to rough turn them as soon as you can or else purchase some Chestnut End Seal to seal the exposed end grain surfaces and retard moisture loss to give you more time to rough turn them.



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