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Lets Smile


Martin Lawrence:

  Lets have a smile during lockdown, Stay safe and keep well and a good excuse to lockdown in your workshop.

I am fortunate as lockdown isn't the hassle for us as it ios for others. Mo is retiring in a few weeks so it brings that forward, Neither of us are pub goers so don't miss them. Only thing we miss are doing the shows and seeing the kids, grand kids etc and zoom helps there. All in all we are fit and healthy, OK healthy LOL and wake up each morning saying thank you. One noce thing about getting older is you see things in poerspective.
Stay safe all of you and if you haven''t already, learn to be thankful for what you have and not just wish you had something else.


Wood spinner:

--- Quote from: Martin Lawrence on January 05, 2021, 11:07:58 AM ---
  Lets have a smile during lockdown, Stay safe and keep well and a good excuse to lockdown in your workshop.

--- End quote ---

I do hope another bird was not following behind or he may have ended up in the Sh--   :o


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