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Show & Tell query

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I have followed the links on my phone and they just go around in a circle not actually leading me to the actual survey. Has the web site been adjusted for use on Android?



--- Quote from: bodrighywood on January 10, 2021, 11:04:43 PM ---I have followed the links on my phone and they just go around in a circle not actually leading me to the actual survey. Has the web site been adjusted for use on Android?


--- End quote ---

Are you asking about the survey which is a Google form but it is available on the website at BUT the survey finished last night and so the link will be disabled today.

If you are asking about Show & Tell that is at the link Paul posted above or available in the Events menu on the site and the links work fine on an iPhone. I don't have an Android phone to test.

Both, the links don't seem to work for me on an android phone.



I just popped round to a neighbour who has an Android phone and tried both the url's and they display fine. It must therefore be something with your phone. Have you another device that you can try?

I'll try o n a tablet, that's android as well so see what happens there.



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