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Maybe a scam

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Wood spinner:
At the moment a VB36 is on ebay , It's near Glasgow

I asked some questions and was guided away from ebay asking me to send emails to a AOL email address , This given email address was different to the one used to reply to my questions

If you are looking be careful  ;)

David Buskell:
There's also one on Facebook, which is on sale in Wales. I think there's a bit of history to it so as always, take care.


--- Quote from: Wood spinner on January 25, 2021, 05:33:45 PM ---At the moment a VB36 is on ebay , It's near Glasgow

I asked some questions and was guided away from ebay asking me to send emails to a AOL email address , This given email address was different to the one used to reply to my questions

If you are looking be careful  ;)

--- End quote ---
I agree we all need to be careful, but asking to do a deal outside ebay is quite normal to savvy people (not what ebay wants) as it avoids their exorbitant fees, especially on something quite expensive. Ebay has constantly increased its fees and that has driven many sellers, including myself, from using them. At the end of the day, they are just greedy advertising agents. And don't be fooled by all their hype about  buyer protection; it is virtually useless.
One other advantage of doing the deal outside of ebay, you can usually negotiate a better price as the seller won't have to pay the fees, and they can knock that amount off the price. After all, that's what we are looking for, the best price we can get.

Wood spinner:
Also the " Seller " does not know that the Toolpost is no longer trading

Strange for someone who is a woodturner ?

The same images have been used a couple of times over the last two years


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