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John Davis shop - Stockbridge


I just wanted to say that I visited John Davis shop near Stockbridge for the first time about 2 weeks ago and was very impressed.

Great stock, good prices and a nice chinwag as well.  John was a lovely guy to chat to as was his associate.   I had a nice long browse and am now considerably poorer (although it was all gifts for Fathers Day technically).

Thoroughly recommend paying them a visit.  Even the wife and son enjoyed their visit.

My son had me buying loads of off-cuts and I made a few of his friends some magic wands to play with at his birthday party.  Got the Axminster pen mandrel set and have spent the last week experimenting with slimline wood and acrylic blanks.  Had some nice results too.

A new live centre completed the purchases and I will be back in a few weeks to get some finishes and some finer grades of paper - 400 grit doesn't really finish acrylic pens nicely.


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