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Juniper wood

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I have just acquired some juniper wood from a trimmed old prostrate bush - and the timber looks rather interesting (see pic). Searching online produces advice but I am not quite sure that the many US sources are actually describing the same wood.  I will keep for a while and experiment but any suggestions are welcome!

Paul Hannaby:
I have turned it in the past, it looks a little like yew but is softer. Nice wood to turn!

Paul - thanks!  I put some 20mm square pieces on a radiator to dry for a few days (they seem from weight to dry very fast) and made a pen - the colours are lovely!

Bryan Milham:
That honestly looks like aromatic cedar. You will know because it has an amazing scent if it is.

dr4g0nfly - the wood just scents of pine really which is a bit disappointing, but the timber is quite definitely just trimmed from a prostrate juniper perhaps 50+ years old and the branches/foliage scented the whole garden of juniper whilst the (pros) were chipping them up.  The remaining tree does look rather amazing - twisted like a bonsai but about 2m high!  We hope it will do well (it has been trimmed before - albeit not quite so much).


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