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VB-Lube - Bearing lubricant for VB36

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Dave Atkinson:
Morning all

Our club (ashley Woodturning Club) has just been donated a VB 36 which is fabulous.  I have been looking at the manual and the bearings need VB-Lube which is sold by Steinhart in Germany, but there isn't a UK dealer.  Does anyone know if there is an equivalent lubricant available in the UK?

Any suggestions welcome.

Thanks Dave

Hi David, I’m sure this was discussed on one of the VB forums but I can’t find the info in any files. It might be worth getting in touch with George Watkins, I’m sure he would have some info.

Wood spinner:
May be worth having a read of this

Dave Atkinson:
Thank you both

There isn't a UK supplier for VB-Lube but I can get from Germany.

I will oook at the website later.

Thanks for you help guys

Cheers Dave

From the description it sounds like it could be something like Slick 50. I used to put this in my car engines years ago. It’s supposed to reduce friction and prolong the life of the engine. Sadly it probably doesn’t have the “fairy dust” in VB lube.  ;D


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