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USA tool prices

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Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Wood spinner on May 12, 2021, 05:57:13 PM ---Wow how much  :o

Blimey the prices are very high indeed , Also the easy chucks

What do you think ?

--- End quote ---

The chuck is only a part of the price, The jaws are also expensive compared to other brands, it is not hard to use an alternative chuck and jaw set and have 3 or 4 chucks with jaws mounted for the same price as a quick change chuck and 4 sets of jaws. It is a new technology that probably has some development cost to recover, but I think you have to either be very rich, or really be uncertain which jaws to use to justify the cost.

David, can you edit your post so it doesn’t look like I work for Hunter Tools please.

David Buskell:
Certainly. I used the quote facility to paste your original message so please blame the system!

David Buskell:



Ta.  :)


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