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Club fees

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John D Smith:

 £3 per meeting that members attend  Regards John


Duncan A:
£10 p.a. plus £4 for meeting entry.

Our costs have risen this year so changes may be necessary - not exactly wallet-busting though!


The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Thanks for your replies, I only ask because the hall where we meet has made some changes that might affect our club membership fee which is currently £18 per year.

Hi John,  Our Club (Crow Valley Woodturners) are £16 plus £2 per visit to pay for the coffee. It just about covers the room hire.
Best Regards  --  Julian

Tea and Coffee and a couple of biscuits at half time is 30p at my club.

Our fees include one, or sometimes two demo’s from a professional demonstrator.
These normally take place at the weekend and are open to non members for a small fee.


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