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First Craft fair post lockdown

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Dave Wraight:
Just gearing up for my first craft fair after the long lay off. The question of handling items arises - can they be safely handled - should I have a notice saying please do not touch unless there is an intention to purchase - ideas and thoughts please.

We encourage people to handle as the tactile aspect of wood is one of the selling points. We do the larger craft events so have to be in adherence to the Covid rules mind which means we have antibacterial spray for people to use which can be sticky so be careful of that. If there are any particularly fragile pieces or items that ere 'nickable' keep these just out of reach so people can ask if they wish to look at them closer.

Beware of people who turn things upside down, poke their fingers inside things etc. These are usually woodturners and unlikely to buy just like to pick holes and put on an 'oh dear' expression. LOL


John Peachey:

From a quick search on line, the guidance seems to be transmission via surfaces is very remote. It is close contact with others that is the important factors.
Search for is 'covid transmissable via surfaces',which brings up a wealth of info.
Hope that helps

Wood spinner:
I thought you looked with your eyes ? not your hands

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Wood spinner on June 09, 2021, 07:06:44 PM ---I thought you looked with your eyes ? not your hands

--- End quote ---

I find eyes only bring people to the stall, then some fairly fresh lemon oil smell brings them close, but only touch opens the wallet.


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