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That bay web site


Wood spinner:
I can't understand some people , On that site I noticed something I was intrested in bidding on , I have now sent 2 messages re the item and had no reply's ???

How annoying is that  ???  >:(

Ebay sellers are a right mixed bunch to be honest.

most do give you an answer but there are always 10% that either don't pay attention to their listings or just can't be arsed...

Not everyone is glued to the internet so it can take time for them to be aware of your questions. And ebay will block any question that has personal information in it so that may be another reason for your not getting a response.

Wood spinner:

--- Quote from: Woodcrafts on June 10, 2021, 05:40:05 PM ---Not everyone is glued to the internet so it can take time for them to be aware of your questions. And ebay will block any question that has personal information in it so that may be another reason for your not getting a response.

--- End quote ---

If I listed a item of value I wood have a look and see whats happening with the sale . I waited 4 days before sending a second request


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