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Bowl Turning

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Mark Hancock:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on June 18, 2021, 10:39:49 AM ---Were you thinking of this?

--- End quote ---
No.  ;D  I've been familiar with that way of bowl turning since my training days back in the late 80's. I vaguely remember seeing a film of Dale Stubbs working in a similar fashion. I think Mark Lindquist also works that way sometimes.

I initially learned to use scrapers for pretty much anything in school ** years ago before they allowed us to use spindle gouges. Only other tool I can think of is a hollowing tool of some sort which I tried before going on to use a hook.


Just seen this thread,   For me as I do not have a bowl core set up  I will use combination of Bowl gouge /s   - Shielded tip Hollowing tool depending on the wood,  -  Scrapers   - A wide Skew for fine scraping work on the outside   plus often resorting to coarse grit Sandpaper more than should be required.   If not happy after that like others the woodburner awaits.

Mark Hancock:
Well no-one so far has referred to the tool that caused me to pose the question. ;D And that tool was the Parting Tool.

It'll be interesting to hear your comments on it's use in bowl turning


I use a parting tool and a point tool to cut the dovetail for the chuck when turning bowls but that is all I use them for when turning a bowl.


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