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Clubs restarting #2

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We had a day trip to Axminster Tools HQ for a limited number of members a couple of years back, thoroughly recommended.

In the past 3 to 4 full day dems with a profesional demonstrator, we will probaly go to 2 plus 3or 4 remote demos ( no travel expences  and wider choice) to our club from eith UK, Ireland or America . We will also be having unpaid demonstration from senior members and AWGB tutors we have in the club . Corvid has made us re think the way we do things and was the kick up the pants we needed.


--- Quote from: michaelb on July 23, 2021, 06:02:56 PM ---In the past 3 to 4 full day dems with a profesional demonstrator, we will probaly go to 2 plus 3or 4 remote demos ( no travel expences  and wider choice) to our club from eith UK, Ireland or America . We will also be having unpaid demonstration from senior members and AWGB tutors we have in the club . Corvid has made us re think the way we do things and was the kick up the pants we needed.

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What is it you don’t like about them?  ;D

Stone the crows, what the rook are you raven about birds for, Bill????????


--- Quote from: BrianH on July 25, 2021, 09:48:19 AM ---Stone the crows, what the rook are you raven about birds for, Bill????????

--- End quote ---

Didn’t you see Michael’s post I quoted?! I highlighted his comment about Corvids in Blue!    ;D


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