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Fingernail grind

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Having decided to change the standard grind on one of my 3/8" bowl gouges to a fingernail grind I started doing a bit of research on how best to do it. Most of the information is out there, but the one thing that seemed to be lacking was reliable info on what sort of angle to grind back the top to give you the start. I guessed mine, and worked to has turned out well and the chisel works just fine, but is there an angle I should have been working to or is it about personal choice (as seems to be the case with many angles on turning chisels!) Did I get it right by pure chance or will many different angles work?



To be honest the angle is not really that important as long as it works for you. I haven't a clue what angle my tools are ground to, they work so they are. Sure some like to have specific angles but there are no golden rules as with so many things in craft works. As long as it is safe it is OK.


Twisted Trees:
A good starting point is 45° ISH! 45° is a good angle in a lot of cutting operations with a gouge, so if you have nowhere else to go, go there! Mine were once about 45° along the wing, they are probably somewhere within 5° or so of that still. I have the bevel (bottom ) angle about 55° because I can and it fits many of the curves I am cutting.

Variation in your height relative to the lathe toolrest height relative to the workpiece all vary things and make tools quite personal, so it is hard to get a fixed answer, but 45 isn't a bad answer :-)

Niel,  As Pete and Pete says but I would just add that the top of the cutting edge along the flute should be a convex shape and not a concave shape which is a very easy condition for the beginner to end up with. Good Luck  --  Julian

Just as a bit of a side thought on this it worth keeping bowl gouges with the original grind? I have a virtually new set of Record Power chisels and the one I converted to the fingernail grind was a duplicate RP that I had. I'm not convinced that I want to convert the 3 newer bowl gouges yet, but suspect they will be slightly easier to use with the FN grind and probably more versatile? More experienced turners thoughts on retaining the original grind or conversion appreciated. Thanks in advance.



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