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So how much should I charge?

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Hi all…

So how much should we charge for commission of a 6” standard turned oak bowl.
Let’s not include the wood as the customer brought a length of 8x4” oak beam  :)


Wood spinner:
Factor in your time and consumables

Hourly rate, sand paper , sanding sealer , Finnish etc


--- Quote from: Wood spinner on August 24, 2021, 06:41:36 PM ---Factor in your time and consumables

Hourly rate, sand paper , sanding sealer , Finnish etc

--- End quote ---

Thanks Wood spinner…
I was thinking £20 per hour, consumables included.

Paul Hannaby:
How many experienced professional services would be £20 per hour? For example, could you get a plumber or a car mechanic for that?

Thanks Paul

Yes that makes my £20 an hour sound more than reasonable, although I’m not a complete professional but I’m told my work is of high standard and that’s why I was commissioned. I just find myself feeling awkward that the bowl I turned took 3 hours from start to finish and £60 sounds a lot. Maybe I just undervalue myself and I’m a little bit behind the times. We forget how much we paid for our lathe and tools, bandsaw or chainsaw, consumables, even the electric for good lighting, heating and equipment, it all makes up the costs. Maybe I should just charge even more.


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