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So how much should I charge?

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Twisted Trees:
I have to agree with Pete, selling for cost or worse below cost devalues the trade for everyone.

Breaking down your £60 in real terms as selling a piece you made through a shop,  you would get £30, the shop £18 and the tax man £12.

From your £30 you have a blank which would cost you £10 (not just the blank price, you either fetch it or pay delivery). You may be able to shave that a little but not a lot.

So for £20 you have to pay for your tools and consumables and your time.

Wood spinner:
Also this would be a bespoke 1 off turning , You can ask if he has any design ideas making it a custom piece

Don't de value , Go in at a worthwhile cost

Let’s not get lost in the thread as I am charging £60 to turn and finish an oak bowl and the customer supplied the wood. It took me 3 hours and a professional would take say one hour, so I don’t think I’m undercharging, I’m just a lot slower than the pro and that’s my fault and not the customers, also I will be more than happy with this amount.


--- Quote from: Myturn on August 25, 2021, 08:26:15 PM ---Let’s not get lost in the thread as I am charging £60 to turn and finish an oak bowl and the customer supplied the wood. It took me 3 hours and a professional would take say one hour, so I don’t think I’m undercharging, I’m just a lot slower than the pro and that’s my fault and not the customers, also I will be more than happy with this amount.

--- End quote ---

Sounds fair to me. In fact to be honest more than I would charge but if you can get that good for you. Defiitely not undercharging LO.


The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Just to confuse things a bit, one way of costing your work is to have a formula. It does not work all of the time but as a rule of thumb it gives you a ball park figure. So a 6" x3" bowl would work like this. 6X3 =18 and then double it =36. Do it with a 2" bowl say 10" in diameter and it looks like this 10X2= 20 (X2) =40.the same diameter but 3" deep would come out at 60. so a rule of thumb here.
   I echo the comments made about this. and would add do not undervalue your skills.
Of course everything revolves around quality.


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